CrossFit9 – Zoom LIVE WOD


Metcon (Weight)


4 x 8 three-count pause march

4 x 8 three-count tempo glute bridge

4 x 8 three-count towel or slider hamstring curl


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

8 minute AMRAP:

2 Jack Push Climbs, 20 Lateral Hops

4 Jack Push Climbs, 20 Lateral Hops

6 Jack Push Climbs, 20 Lateral Hops

Continue to add (2) Jack Push Climb per round

Rest ‪2:00‬

8 minute AMRAP:

2 Ground to overhead, 20 Jumping Lunges

4 Ground to Overhead, 20 Jumping Lunges

6 Ground to Overhead, 20 Jumping Lunges

Continue to add (2) Ground to Overhead per round