CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

3 x 1:00 Stations

1) Ball or light object pass

2) Plank

3) Weighted Sit-up

4) Fire hydrants

5) Side plank leg raises or Jane Fondas

6) Rest


Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

On the ‪0:00‬…

3 Rounds:

20 Jumping Lunges

20 Ground-to-Overhead (clean + press, curl + press, snatch)

On the ‪7:00‬…

3 Rounds:

20 Ground to Jump + Touch

20 Weighted Step-Ups (chair, box, stool)

On the ‪14:00‬…

3 Rounds:

20 Jumping Lunges

20 OH Press