CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD
Jump Rope (5 Rounds for reps)
5 rounds
2 minute of jump rope
1 minute rest
Sub: any cardio machine for 2min sprint, 1 min rest
Use any style of jump rope that allows you to move for all 2 minutes
L3: double unders
Original CrossFit Challenge:
Jump rope for two minutes rest for one minute – Can you continue this for thirty minutes?
This is just twenty minutes of cardiovascular exercise. If you have considerable jump rope experience, “double under” for two minutes rest for one.
Anyone who can keep this up for thirty minutes is an extraordinary athlete.
Take time to build in deadlift load before starting this workout
Metcon (Weight)
For load:
*15 toes to bar
Deadlift weight increases each set as the reps decrease. Go as heavy as possible each set while maintaining unbroken sets (no dropping the bar)
Score = the weight on the bar for each set, added together over the five sets.
L1: hanging knee raise
L2 kipping toes to bar
L3: strict toes to bar
Push-ups – Isometric
Push-ups – Isometric (Checkmark)
Hold each position for the set time:
1) Top of push-up hold (point A)
2) Bottom of push-up hold (point B)
In as few sets as possible:
L1: accumulate 1 min
L2: accumulate 90 sec
L3: accumulate 2 min