LOOK BETTER. FEEL BETTER. PERFORM BETTER. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, gain lean muscle, or PR your lifts, this is for you! The CrossFit9 New Year Challenge will focus on establishing healthy habits to carry with you throughout 2015. Post by CrossFit9. Questions? Let us know.
NEW CrossFit9 Classes
We couldn’t think of a better way to kick off 2015 than to bring you TWO new CrossFit classes, including Yoga! Yoga for CrossFitters 10–11am Sundays in the CrossFit9 West Room Donation based (Suggested: $5) Yoga speak: Restorative vinyasa flow integrated with yin CrossFit speak: Healing active recovery to address your existing aches and pains and prevent… Read more »
Rebecca’s CrossFit9 Story
“I was told to go ‘grab a 400’ with the other foundations students. After I found out what that meant and with my Olivia Newton John sneakers tied tightly, I started out the door running with everyone. I got to about 50 meters when I stopped for some air. I walked the rest of the… Read more »
Chris Goodwin’s CrossFit9 Story
“I never heard of CrossFit. I heard of cross training and crossdressing, but not CrossFit. That was approximately three years ago. From high school, to the military, to becoming a police officer, I always strived to stay in good shape. I grew up in the era of big muscle mags like Flex and Muscle & (nothing… Read more »
Will Schantz’s CrossFit9 Story
“I was a pretty fit guy until I quit playing college tennis. That’s when my focus strayed from health and fitness. Most of my 20s were a mix of partying and minimal studying. CrossFitters would say I “scaled” my college experience… to just shy of a decade. “My fiancee Rachael and I both graduated, and we… Read more »
I Ripped My Hands. Now What?

It happens to the best of us. Sometimes, despite prevention through proper hand care, self discipline, and movement substitutions… you’ll tear a callous. Here’s what to do next. So You Ripped Your Hands Despite its regular occurrence in CrossFit boxes, a hand tear is an injury, whether it’s a minor blister or a bloody, full-on blowout…. Read more »
Only You Can Prevent CrossFit Hand Tears!
A hand tear is an injury, and as with all injuries, we do our best to avoid them. Psssst… If you’ve already torn your mitts, read: So You Ripped Your Hands Your CrossFit friends may post pictures of their torn up palms as a badge of pride, but make no mistake: Hand tears are an… Read more »
The Chase
There are as many goals to set in CrossFit as there are those who practice it. But in the end, CrossFit is simply the pursuit of progress.
Mark’s CrossFit9 Story
It started with a promise I made to myself. I vividly remember that I took a glimpse in the mirror. I hardly recognized myself. I used to be athletic when I was younger and I came to realize I had really let myself go physically. At the time I was suffering from chronic back spasms… Read more »
I Don’t Have Time to Exercise
We make you this promise: We will always respect your time. Check out a few reasons why CrossFit9 has a long list of athletes who are parents, first responders, business owners, office warriors, and other time-crunched people who need to make every second count. 1. Classes are an hour long. Period. Warmup. Mobilization. Workout explanation. Skills… Read more »