We couldn’t think of a better way to kick off 2015 than to bring you TWO new CrossFit classes, including Yoga! Yoga for CrossFitters 10–11am Sundays in the CrossFit9 West Room Donation based (Suggested: $5) Yoga speak: Restorative vinyasa flow integrated with yin CrossFit speak: Healing active recovery to address your existing aches and pains and prevent… Read more »
Rebecca’s CrossFit9 Story
“I was told to go ‘grab a 400’ with the other foundations students. After I found out what that meant and with my Olivia Newton John sneakers tied tightly, I started out the door running with everyone. I got to about 50 meters when I stopped for some air. I walked the rest of the… Read more »
Chris Goodwin’s CrossFit9 Story
“I never heard of CrossFit. I heard of cross training and crossdressing, but not CrossFit. That was approximately three years ago. From high school, to the military, to becoming a police officer, I always strived to stay in good shape. I grew up in the era of big muscle mags like Flex and Muscle & (nothing… Read more »
Will Schantz’s CrossFit9 Story
“I was a pretty fit guy until I quit playing college tennis. That’s when my focus strayed from health and fitness. Most of my 20s were a mix of partying and minimal studying. CrossFitters would say I “scaled” my college experience… to just shy of a decade. “My fiancee Rachael and I both graduated, and we… Read more »
I Ripped My Hands. Now What?

It happens to the best of us. Sometimes, despite prevention through proper hand care, self discipline, and movement substitutions… you’ll tear a callous. Here’s what to do next. So You Ripped Your Hands Despite its regular occurrence in CrossFit boxes, a hand tear is an injury, whether it’s a minor blister or a bloody, full-on blowout…. Read more »
Only You Can Prevent CrossFit Hand Tears!
A hand tear is an injury, and as with all injuries, we do our best to avoid them. Psssst… If you’ve already torn your mitts, read: So You Ripped Your Hands Your CrossFit friends may post pictures of their torn up palms as a badge of pride, but make no mistake: Hand tears are an… Read more »
The Chase
There are as many goals to set in CrossFit as there are those who practice it. But in the end, CrossFit is simply the pursuit of progress.
I Don’t Have Time to Exercise
We make you this promise: We will always respect your time. Check out a few reasons why CrossFit9 has a long list of athletes who are parents, first responders, business owners, office warriors, and other time-crunched people who need to make every second count. 1. Classes are an hour long. Period. Warmup. Mobilization. Workout explanation. Skills… Read more »