BJ Haegele is a man of few words. But he’s got a lot to say when it comes to his dramatic transformation in the 11 months since he and his fiance joined CrossFit9. Almost exactly one year ago, BJ (6 feet tall), weighed in at 252 lbs. He was unhappy with his weight, on blood… Read more »
Masters Regional Qualifiers are upon us, and resident badass Brad Prescott is representing CrossFit9. No better time to sit down and see what makes this featured athlete tick.
“I was told to go ‘grab a 400’ with the other foundations students. After I found out what that meant and with my Olivia Newton John sneakers tied tightly, I started out the door running with everyone. I got to about 50 meters when I stopped for some air. I walked the rest of the… Read more »
It started with a promise I made to myself. I vividly remember that I took a glimpse in the mirror. I hardly recognized myself. I used to be athletic when I was younger and I came to realize I had really let myself go physically. At the time I was suffering from chronic back spasms… Read more »
It’s been almost 3 years since I stepped through the doors of CrossFit9. I was looking for a change. At that point in my life I was a shy, way-too-skinny girl with asthma, used to sprinting on a treadmill and doing supersets on non-functional machines at a local gym. I had fallen into the trap of… Read more »
From marathons, to crushing her first CrossFit Open, to “Murph” with a weighted vest, Lois continues to push her own limits and challenge those around her. We’re proud to call her part of our #9Nation family. Video by