CrossFit9 is OPEN for special Thanksgiving and Black Friday holiday hours!
Guests and visiting athletes
The holidays are a super busy time for us at CrossFit9. The more, the merrier!
Please note that we require online registration ahead of time to keep our classes running smoothly. (It only takes a few minutes on your phone!)
Please check out our Drop-In and Guest Policy pages for more details.
Holiday Schedule
Members, please reserve your spot at
Wednesday, Nov. 23
- No 6:00 PM
- Close at 6:30 PM
Thanksgiving Day: Thursday, Nov. 24
- 7:30 AM - Class (All 9FIT + CF athletes)
- 8:30 AM - Class (All 9FIT + CF athletes)
- 9:30 AM - Turkey Trot 5k Fun Run. Guests are welcome with the donation of toiletries or nonperishable food items for the St. Petersburg Free Clinic Food Bank.
Black Friday: Friday, Nov. 24
- 7:30 AM - Class (All 9FIT + CF athletes)
- 8:30 AM - Class (All 9FIT + CF athletes)
- 9:30 AM - Class (All 9FIT + CF athletes)
Saturday, Nov. 25
- Back to regularly scheduled classes.