September 30, 2020

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Metcon (No Measure)

10 minutes for quality:

100m heavy farmer carry

20 D-ball squats

L1: Y/B; 30# D-ball

L2: G/Y; 40# D-ball

L3: R/G; 50#+ D-ball

In 10 minutes:

Work your way up to a heavy 1-way parking lot sled push

10 minutes for quality:

20 Mace 360s (10R/10L)

30 Alternating switch lunge with mace (15L/15R)

400m bike erg




September 29, 2020

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Front Squat (4 x 8)

All sets at RPE 7 (Should feel like 3 more reps could be performed)


DB stiff-legged deadlift 3 x 10


Metcon (Time)

5 RFT:

400m run

12 power snatches

L1: 45/35

L2: 95/65

L3: 8 power snatches – 115/85


September 28, 2020

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Metcon (Weight)

14 minute alternating EMOM*:

1. 8 Bench Press

2. 14 Single arm bent

over row – heavy & from a dead stop (7R/7L)

L1: 45/35; 15/10+

L2: 95/65; 35/25+

L3: 135/95; 50/35+
*Wipe bench between sets


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15 minute AMRAP:

9 deadlifts

15 toes to bar

30 double unders

L1: 95/65

L2: 205/135

L3: 225/155


September 26, 2020

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)



27 minute AMRAP:

Buy-in: 87 Calorie Row or Ski

Followed by…

3 Rounds:

15 Pull-ups

33 Wallballs

In the remaining time, AMRAP:

9 Burpees

18 Alt. DB Snatch

20 Sit-ups
This workout honors the life of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died Sept. 18, 2020. Justice Ginsburg is perhaps best known for her fiery dissenting opinions.

She once said, “Dissents speak to a future age. It’s not simply to say, ‘My colleagues are wrong and I would do it this way.’ But the greatest dissents do become court opinions and gradually over time their views become the dominant view. So that’s the dissenter’s hope: that they are writing not for today, but for tomorrow.”


September 25, 2020

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Metcon (Weight)

3-4 Supersets: (15 minute cap)

8-10 Strict Press

10-12 Skull crusher with DB or bar

10-12 Lateral raise


Metcon (Time)

4 RFT:

12 front squats

16 DB weighted step ups

400m run

L1: 45/35

L2: 95/65

L3: 135/95


September 24, 2020

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Metcon (Weight)

12 minute EMOM:

1. 1-2 Turkish Get-up (1-2R/1-2L)

2. 2-way parking single arm OH carry (down R, back L)


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

8 rounds x 2 minute AMRAP:

Buy in: 250m row or 450m bike erg

In remaining time:

Max power snatches

:30 rest between rounds

L1: 45/35

L2: 75/55

L3: 95/65
Score = total reps of snatches over 8 rounds


September 23, 2020

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Metcon (Weight)

3-4 Supersets* (15 minute cap)

20 DB or KB Bulgarian split squats** (10R/10L)

20 DB or KB glute bridge

20 single leg RDL (with bar) (10R/10L)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15 minute AMRAP:

12 heels elevated goblet squat

12 Russian KB swing

12 calorie row or ski


September 22, 2020

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Deadlift (5 x 4)

Accessory: 3 x 20 DB or KB Cossack Squat (10R/10L) Complete all 10 reps on weaker side, then switch.


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15 minute AMRAP:



Hang power clean

* = 100m run

L1: 45/35

L2: 105/75

L3: 135/95


September 21, 2020

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Tempo Back Squat (5 x 3)

3 Count Descent

2 Count Hold

Fast Ascent


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

4 x 3 minute AMRAP:

Buy in:

10 shoulder to overhead

6 burpees over bar

In remaining time:

Max calorie echo bike or row

Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Score = # of calories accumulated over four rounds.

L1: 45/35

L2: 105/75

L3: 135/95

200920 – 9HIIT

September 20, 2020

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Tabata (:20 work/:10 rest x 8 rounds)

1. Bike (erg or echo)

2. Single arm devil press

3. Lying leg raise

4. Wallballs

10 minute AMRAP:

100m run

20 medball cleans

30 side slams with WB (15R/15L)