CrossFit9 – WOD
Bradley (Time)
10 Rounds for time of:
100m Sprint
10 Pull-ups
100m Sprint
10 Burpees
Rest 30 seconds
In honor of U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Bradley R. Smith, 24, of Troy, Illinois, was killed on January 3, 2010
To learn more about Bradley click here
2k Row (Time)
Max Effort 2k Row
CrossFit9 – WOD
Front Squat (10 Rep Max)
CrossFit Games Open 15.4 (AMRAP – Reps)
8-Minute ARMAP of:
3 Handstand Push-ups
3 Cleans, 185#/125#
6 Handstand Push-ups
3 Cleans, 185#/125#
9 Handstand Push-ups
3 Cleans, 185#/125#
12 Handstand Push-ups
6 Cleans, 185#/125#
15 Handstand Push-ups
6 Cleans, 185#/125#
18 Handstand Push-ups
6 Cleans, 185#/125#
21 Handstand Push-ups
9 Cleans, 185#/125#
Etc., adding 3 reps to the handstand push-up each round, and 3 reps to the clean every 3 rounds.
CrossFit Games Open 15.4 Scaled (AMRAP – Reps)
8 minutes of:
10 push presses
10 cleans
Men push press 95 lb. and clean
115 lb.
Women push press 65 lb. and
clean 75 lb.
400 M Sled Push (Time)
No Plates
L1: Sled PULL + 45lb plate
L2: Sled PUSH- No Plates
L3: Sled PUSH -2 x 45
CrossFit9 – WOD
Metcon (Weight)
12 Minute EMOM:
ODD: 2 Bar Muscle Up (5 Ch2B)
EVEN: 5 Bench Press
L1: 95/45
L2: 155/75
L3: 185/95
Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds For Time:
30 Toes to Bar
20 Overhead Squat
10 Calorie Row
L1: 45/35: knee up
L2: 75/55
L3: 95/65
CrossFit9 – WOD
Overhead Dumbbell Lunge
2 Dumbbell
Teams of 2: Judge Each Other
CrossFit Games Open 15.3 (AMRAP – Reps)
14-Minute AMRAP of:
7 Muscle-ups
50 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14#
100 Double-Unders
L1: Muscle up attempts
CrossFit Games Open 15.3 Scaled (AMRAP – Reps)
14-Minute AMRAP:
50 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 10#
200 Single-Unders
*9 Foot Target*
CrossFit9 – WOD
Sled Push
Heaviest Possible One Way
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Gymnastic WOD:
5 Minute AMRAP-
5 Wall Walk
10 Wall Facing Shoulder Tap
15 Hollow Rock
Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds:
200 M Farmer Carry
20 Dumbbell Power Snatch (10/side)
10** Chest to Bar
20 GHD Sit-up/Candlestick
**L3: 20 Reps
L1: B/P, 20/10, Ring Row
L2: G/Y, 40/30, 10 Ch2B
L3: R/G, 50/35, 20 Ch2B
**No regular pull-ups
CrossFit9 – WOD
Overhead Squat (5 x 5)
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds For Time:
10 Calorie Bike or Ski
3 Ring Muscle Up
6 Deadlift
9 Box Jump
L1: 2:1 Box, Ring, Stationary Dips, 135/95
L2: 225/155
L3: 275/165, must use black bike
CrossFit9 – WOD
Warm-up (No Measure)
15 Minutes:
Foam Roll
CrossFit Games Open 14.5 and 16.5 (Time)
For Time:
21 Thruster, 95#/65#
21 Bar Facing Burpees
18 Thruster, 95#/65#
18 Bar Facing Burpees
15 Thruster, 95#/65#
15 Bar Facing Burpees
12 Thruster, 95#/65#
12 Bar Facing Burpees
9 Thruster, 95#/65#
9 Bar Facing Burpees
6 Thruster, 95#/65#
6 Bar Facing Burpees
3 Thruster, 95#/65#
3 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Minute Cap
CrossFit9 – WOD
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
30 Power Snatch
L1: 55/35
L2: 115/75
L3: 135/95
Metcon (Time)
4 Rounds:
15 Back Squat
10 Calorie Row
5 Bar Muscle Up
L1: 95/65, Jumping Bar MU or 2:1 Ch2B
L2: 155/105
L3: 165/125
CrossFit9 – WOD
Metcon (Weight)
EMOM 12 Minute:
ODD: Power Clean
Start at 2, go up 2 reps each minute.
L1: 75/55
L2: 135/95
L3: 165/115
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
12 Minute AMRAP:
10 Shoulder to Overhead
20 Pistols (10/10)
30 Double Under
L1: 75/55, Singles + 10 Burpees
L3: 165/115
CrossFit9 – WOD
CrossFit Games Open 16.1 (AMRAP – Reps)
20 Minute AMRAP
25 Ft OH Walking Lunge 95#/65#
8 Bar Facing Burpees
25 Ft OH Walking Lunge
8 C2B Pull-Ups
*Jump over the bar after each burpee
*Mark out lines in 5ft increments for the lunges, every 5ft is 1 rep
Teams of 2- You will judge each other.