CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD
– AT HOME – 12 Days of Christmas
If you MUST workout today. Here is an AT HOME bodyweight version of 12 days of Christmas workout.
– AT HOME – 12 Days of Christmas (Time)
For time:
1 wall walk
2 candlesticks
3 burpees
4 push-ups
5 walking lunges
6 air squats
7 sit-ups
8 jumping squats
9 jumping lunges
10 broad jumps
11 handstand push-ups
12 single-leg squats
Perform the workout like the “12 Days of Christmas” song. In round 1, perform 1 wall walk. In round 2 perform 2 candlesticks and then 1 wall walk. In round 3, perform 3 burpees, 2 candlesticks, then 1 wall walk. Continue adding a new movement each round.
CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD
Metcon (Time)
1 Wall walk
2 Power clean
3 Front Squat
4 Shoulder to overhead
5 Burpees over bar
6 Front rack lunges (3/3)
7 Box jumps
8 KB swings
9 Pull-ups
10 Calorie row or ski
11 Toes to bar
12 D-ball over shoulder
First, do one wall walk. Next, do two power cleans, then one wall walk. Continue until you’ve finished all 12 “days”!
L1; 45/35 or DB
L2: 75/55
L3: 95/65
Metcon (Time)
1 Wall walk
2 Power clean
3 Front Squat
4 Shoulder to overhead
5 Burpees over bar
6 Front rack lunges (3/3)
7 Box jumps
8 KB swings
9 Pull-ups
10 Calorie row or ski
11 Toes to bar
12 D-ball over shoulder
First, do one wall walk. Next, do two power cleans, then one wall walk. Continue until you’ve finished all 12 “days”!
L1; 45/35 or DB
L2: 75/55
L3: 95/65
Metcon (Time)
1 Wall walk
2 Power clean
3 Front Squat
4 Shoulder to overhead
5 Burpees over bar
6 Front rack lunges (3/3)
7 Box jumps
8 KB swings
9 Pull-ups
10 Calorie row or ski
11 Toes to bar
12 D-ball over shoulder
First, do one wall walk. Next, do two power cleans, then one wall walk. Continue until you’ve finished all 12 “days”!
L1; 45/35 or DB
L2: 75/55
L3: 95/65
CrossFit9 – Special Events
Metcon (Time)
1 Wall walk
2 Power clean
3 Front Squat
4 Shoulder to overhead
5 Burpees over bar
6 Front rack lunges (3/3)
7 Box jumps
8 KB swings
9 Pull-ups
10 Calorie row or ski
11 Toes to bar
12 D-ball over shoulder
First, do one wall walk. Next, do two power cleans, then one wall walk. Continue until you’ve finished all 12 “days”!
L1; 45/35 or DB
L2: 75/55
L3: 95/65
Metcon (Time)
1 Wall walk
2 Power clean
3 Front Squat
4 Shoulder to overhead
5 Burpees over bar
6 Front rack lunges (3/3)
7 Box jumps
8 KB swings
9 Pull-ups
10 Calorie row or ski
11 Toes to bar
12 D-ball over shoulder
First, do one wall walk. Next, do two power cleans, then one wall walk. Continue until you’ve finished all 12 “days”!
L1; 45/35 or DB
L2: 75/55
L3: 95/65
Metcon (Time)
1 Wall walk
2 Power clean
3 Front Squat
4 Shoulder to overhead
5 Burpees over bar
6 Front rack lunges (3/3)
7 Box jumps
8 KB swings
9 Pull-ups
10 Calorie row or ski
11 Toes to bar
12 D-ball over shoulder
First, do one wall walk. Next, do two power cleans, then one wall walk. Continue until you’ve finished all 12 “days”!
L1; 45/35 or DB
L2: 75/55
L3: 95/65
CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD
Metcon (Time)
1 Wall walk
2 Power clean
3 Front Squat
4 Shoulder to overhead
5 Burpees over bar
6 Front rack lunges (3/3)
7 Box jumps
8 KB swings
9 Pull-ups
10 Calorie row or ski
11 Toes to bar
12 D-ball over shoulder
First, do one wall walk. Next, do two power cleans, then one wall walk. Continue until you’ve finished all 12 “days”!
L1; 45/35 or DB
L2: 75/55
L3: 95/65
Accessory Finisher
Pull-Up Strength: Isometric Base (Checkmark)
Establish a max hang for 1) chin over bar hold and 2) dead hang
Chin Over Bar Hold (Time)
Establish a max chin over bar hold
Dead Hang (Time)
max hold
Holiday Schedule Announcement!
Please check Wodify Class Schedule for our most up to date hours. Classes with 0 reservations will be subject to being cancelled.
We hope you all enjoy your holiday season, and safe travels to anyone going out of town!!
CrossFit9 – Special Events
Metcon (Time)
1 Wall walk
2 Power clean
3 Front Squat
4 Shoulder to overhead
5 Burpees over bar
6 Front rack lunges (3/3)
7 Box jumps
8 KB swings
9 Pull-ups
10 Calorie row or ski
11 Toes to bar
12 D-ball over shoulder
First, do one wall walk. Next, do two power cleans, then one wall walk. Continue until you’ve finished all 12 “days”!
L1; 45/35 or DB
L2: 75/55
L3: 95/65
Metcon (Time)
1 Wall walk
2 Power clean
3 Front Squat
4 Shoulder to overhead
5 Burpees over bar
6 Front rack lunges (3/3)
7 Box jumps
8 KB swings
9 Pull-ups
10 Calorie row or ski
11 Toes to bar
12 D-ball over shoulder
First, do one wall walk. Next, do two power cleans, then one wall walk. Continue until you’ve finished all 12 “days”!
L1; 45/35 or DB
L2: 75/55
L3: 95/65
Metcon (Time)
1 Wall walk
2 Power clean
3 Front Squat
4 Shoulder to overhead
5 Burpees over bar
6 Front rack lunges (3/3)
7 Box jumps
8 KB swings
9 Pull-ups
10 Calorie row or ski
11 Toes to bar
12 D-ball over shoulder
First, do one wall walk. Next, do two power cleans, then one wall walk. Continue until you’ve finished all 12 “days”!
L1; 45/35 or DB
L2: 75/55
L3: 95/65
Holiday Schedule Announcement!
Please check Wodify Class Schedule for our most up to date hours. Classes with 0 reservations will be subject to being cancelled.
We hope you all enjoy your holiday season, and safe travels to anyone going out of town!!
CrossFit9 – Special Events
Metcon (Time)
1 Wall walk
2 Power clean
3 Front Squat
4 Shoulder to overhead
5 Burpees over bar
6 Front rack lunges (3/3)
7 Box jumps
8 KB swings
9 Pull-ups
10 Calorie row or ski
11 Toes to bar
12 D-ball over shoulder
First, do one wall walk. Next, do two power cleans, then one wall walk. Continue until you’ve finished all 12 “days”!
L1; 45/35 or DB
L2: 75/55
L3: 95/65
Metcon (Time)
1 Wall walk
2 Power clean
3 Front Squat
4 Shoulder to overhead
5 Burpees over bar
6 Front rack lunges (3/3)
7 Box jumps
8 KB swings
9 Pull-ups
10 Calorie row or ski
11 Toes to bar
12 D-ball over shoulder
First, do one wall walk. Next, do two power cleans, then one wall walk. Continue until you’ve finished all 12 “days”!
L1; 45/35 or DB
L2: 75/55
L3: 95/65
Metcon (Time)
1 Wall walk
2 Power clean
3 Front Squat
4 Shoulder to overhead
5 Burpees over bar
6 Front rack lunges (3/3)
7 Box jumps
8 KB swings
9 Pull-ups
10 Calorie row or ski
11 Toes to bar
12 D-ball over shoulder
First, do one wall walk. Next, do two power cleans, then one wall walk. Continue until you’ve finished all 12 “days”!
L1; 45/35 or DB
L2: 75/55
L3: 95/65
Holiday Schedule Announcement!
Please check Wodify Class Schedule for our most up to date hours. Classes with 0 reservations will be subject to being cancelled.
We hope you all enjoy your holiday season, and safe travels to anyone going out of town!!
CrossFit9 – Special Events
Metcon (Time)
1 Wall walk
2 Power clean
3 Front Squat
4 Shoulder to overhead
5 Burpees over bar
6 Front rack lunges (3/3)
7 Box jumps
8 KB swings
9 Pull-ups
10 Calorie row or ski
11 Toes to bar
12 D-ball over shoulder
First, do one wall walk. Next, do two power cleans, then one wall walk. Continue until you’ve finished all 12 “days”!
L1; 45/35 or DB
L2: 75/55
L3: 95/65
Metcon (Time)
1 Wall walk
2 Power clean
3 Front Squat
4 Shoulder to overhead
5 Burpees over bar
6 Front rack lunges (3/3)
7 Box jumps
8 KB swings
9 Pull-ups
10 Calorie row or ski
11 Toes to bar
12 D-ball over shoulder
First, do one wall walk. Next, do two power cleans, then one wall walk. Continue until you’ve finished all 12 “days”!
L1; 45/35 or DB
L2: 75/55
L3: 95/65
Metcon (Time)
1 Wall walk
2 Power clean
3 Front Squat
4 Shoulder to overhead
5 Burpees over bar
6 Front rack lunges (3/3)
7 Box jumps
8 KB swings
9 Pull-ups
10 Calorie row or ski
11 Toes to bar
12 D-ball over shoulder
First, do one wall walk. Next, do two power cleans, then one wall walk. Continue until you’ve finished all 12 “days”!
L1; 45/35 or DB
L2: 75/55
L3: 95/65
CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD
Back Squat (5 x 5)
CrossFit Games Open 14.4 and 23.1 RX (Ages 16-54) (AMRAP – Reps)
14 minutes of:
60-calorie row
50 toes-to-bars
40 wall-ball shots
30 cleans
20 muscle-ups
F: 14lb ball to 9ft target, 95lb
M: 20lb ball to 10ft target, 135lb
Accessory Finisher
Pull-Up Strength: Horizontal Pulling (Checkmark)
Ring Rows
3 x 6-8
Strive for a faster up & slower down tempo
Choose the most difficult angle that you can achieve at least 6 reps; if you can do more than 8 reps, then go for a harder angle
Deeper angle than last week, or add weight vest
CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD
Back Squat (5 x 5)
CrossFit Games Open 14.4 and 23.1 RX (Ages 16-54) (AMRAP – Reps)
14 minutes of:
60-calorie row
50 toes-to-bars
40 wall-ball shots
30 cleans
20 muscle-ups
F: 14lb ball to 9ft target, 95lb
M: 20lb ball to 10ft target, 135lb
Accessory Finisher
Pull-Up Strength: Horizontal Pulling (Checkmark)
Ring Rows
3 x 6-8
Strive for a faster up & slower down tempo
Choose the most difficult angle that you can achieve at least 6 reps; if you can do more than 8 reps, then go for a harder angle
Deeper angle than last week, or add weight vest
CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD
Back Squat (5 x 5)
CrossFit Games Open 14.4 and 23.1 RX (Ages 16-54) (AMRAP – Reps)
14 minutes of:
60-calorie row
50 toes-to-bars
40 wall-ball shots
30 cleans
20 muscle-ups
F: 14lb ball to 9ft target, 95lb
M: 20lb ball to 10ft target, 135lb
Accessory Finisher
Pull-Up Strength: Horizontal Pulling (Checkmark)
Ring Rows
3 x 6-8
Strive for a faster up & slower down tempo
Choose the most difficult angle that you can achieve at least 6 reps; if you can do more than 8 reps, then go for a harder angle
Deeper angle than last week, or add weight vest