We hate goodbyes.

But we get it.

If you would like to put your membership on hold instead of canceling, you can submit a Membership Hold Request for any 30-day increment.

Membership rates are subject to change. If you decide to reactivate your membership in the future (and we hope you do), membership rates in effect at the time of reactivation will be applicable.

If you’re sure you’d like to cancel, just complete and submit this form. This will serve as your 30-day written cancellation notice as required by your membership agreement. Note that if you have a scheduled payment within this period, the payment will be processed as scheduled (and you will have access for the entire purchased month). All payments are non-refundable.


Memberships must be active to have a 30-day cancellation period applied.

If your account is currently on hold, submission of this form will end the hold on the date submitted. This enables the 30-day cancellation period to begin.

Note that if you have a scheduled payment within this period, the payment will be processed as scheduled (and you will have access for the entire purchased month). All payments are non-refundable.

Cancellation Form

  • Please select the option below that best describes your reason for leaving. *
  • How well did the coaching staff attend to your needs? (1- poorly, 5- very well).
  • How would you describe your satisfaction with the facilties including equipment, parking, and accessibility? (1- unsatisfied, 5- completely satisfied)
  • Overall, how would you rate your CrossFit 9 experience? (1 star- poor, 5 stars- excellent)
  • Do you have any questions, or is there anything else you'd like us to know about your experience or your decision to leave?
  • I understand I am submitting my 30-day notice of cancellation, as per the membership agreement. I understand I will be charged for any scheduled charges inside this 30-day period before my membership deactivates.
  • I understand if my account is currently on a hold, my account will be taken off hold so the 30-day cancellation window can commence. I understand any scheduled invoices due in that time will be charged as scheduled.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.