January 2, 2021

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Metcon (Time)


Hang squat clean

Toes to bar

*200m run

L1: 45/35

L2: 95/65

L3: 135/95


January 1, 2021

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Metcon (Time)

In Teams of 2:

50 devil press

100 calorie row

200 wallballs (20/14#)

300 double unders

200 push-ups

100 pull-ups

50 calorie echo bike

1 partner works at a time

40 minute cap


December 31, 2020

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

30 minute AMRAP:

400m run


30 pistols (15R/15L)

400m run

30 DB snatches (15R/15L)

30 box jumps

400m run

30 single arm OH DB lunges (15R/15L)

30 KB swing

L1: 15/10; B/P

L2: 35/25+; G/Y

L2: 50/35+; R/G


December 30, 2020

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Deadlift (5 x 4)

Accessory: 3 x 15 lateral monster walks per side


Metcon (Time)

20 minute AMRAP:

100m farmer carry

12 shoulder to overhead

15 calorie ski or 12 calorie echo bike

20 sit-ups with medball

L1: 45/35

L2: 95/65

L3: 135/95


December 29, 2020

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Metcon (Weight)

3 supersets:

8 strict press

8 single arm KB bent over row (8R/8L)

12 skull crushers with bar or DBs


Metcon (Time)

6 rounds for time:

200m run

7 thrusters

7 burpees over bar

L1: 45/35

L2: 75/55

L3: 95/65


December 28, 2020

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Tempo Front Squat (5 x 3)

3 seconds down

3 second hold

Explosive up
Accessory: 3 x 12 weighted good morning


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

18 minute AMRAP:

20 calorie bike erg

15 wallballs (20/14)

12 single arm DB hang clean and press

9 toes to bar

L1: 20/10+

L2: 35/25+

L3: 50/35+


December 26, 2020

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

14 minute AMRAP:

10 pistol squats

12 power snatch

30 double under

Rest 2 minutes

14 minute AMRAP:

200m run

12 thrusters

30 sit-ups

L1: 45/35

L2: 75/55

L3: 95/65

201224 – Xmas Eve

December 24, 2020

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Metcon (Time)

1 Wall walk

2 Power clean

3 Front Squat

4 Shoulder to overhead

5 Burpees over bar

6 Front rack lunges (3/3)

7 Box jumps

8 KB swings

9 Pull-ups

10 Calorie row or ski

11 Toes to bar

12 D-ball over shoulder

First, do one wall walk. Next, do two power cleans, then one wall walk. Continue until you’ve finished all 12 “days”!

L1; 45/35 or DB

L2: 75/55

L3: 95/65

Metcon (Time)

1 Wall walk

2 Power clean

3 Front Squat

4 Shoulder to overhead

5 Burpees over bar

6 Front rack lunges (3/3)

7 Box jumps

8 KB swings

9 Pull-ups

10 Calorie row or ski

11 Toes to bar

12 D-ball over shoulder

First, do one wall walk. Next, do two power cleans, then one wall walk. Continue until you’ve finished all 12 “days”!

L1; 45/35 or DB

L2: 75/55

L3: 95/65

Metcon (Time)

1 Wall walk

2 Power clean

3 Front Squat

4 Shoulder to overhead

5 Burpees over bar

6 Front rack lunges (3/3)

7 Box jumps

8 KB swings

9 Pull-ups

10 Calorie row or ski

11 Toes to bar

12 D-ball over shoulder

First, do one wall walk. Next, do two power cleans, then one wall walk. Continue until you’ve finished all 12 “days”!

L1; 45/35 or DB

L2: 75/55

L3: 95/65


December 23, 2020

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

12 minute EMOM:

1. 8 bench press

2. 200m ski

L1: 45/35

L2: 95/65

L3: 135/95


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

3 minute AMRAPs:

1. Echo bike

2. Slam ball

3. Bear crawl or handstand walk

4. Double KB front rack step ups

5. Sled push

1 minute rest between


December 22, 2020

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Back Squat (5 x 5)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

18 minute AMRAP:

400m run

45 air squats

30 sit-ups

15 deadlifts

L1: 95/65

L2: 205/135

L3: 225/155