June 22, 2019

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Metcon (Time)

Pride WOD is dedicated to the 49 LGBTQ+ victims of the Pulse Night Club shooting, a hate crime that shook Florida and the entire country on June 12, 2016. Today, we WOD in their honor and memory.

For time:

400m run

49 KB swing

49 air squat

49 box jump

49 pull-up

49 slam ball

49 lunges with plate

49 ground to overhead with plate

49 goblet squat

49 burpees

49 calorie row

400m run

L1: B/P

L2: G/Y

L3: R/G


June 21, 2019

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Bench Press (5 x 3)

4 x 10 bent over row

L1: 45/35

L2: 75/55

L3: 95/65


Metcon (Time)

4 rounds for time:

500m bike erg or 400m ski

50 air squat

15 deadlift

2/1 bar muscle up

L1: 95/75; 10 pull-up

L2: 205/135

L3: 225/155; 4/2 bar muscle up


June 20, 2019

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


400m Single Arm Farmer Carry (Time)

Single arm KB Farmer Carry, perform 200m on a single side before switching.

L1: B/P

L2: G/Y

L3: R/G


Metcon (Time)

For time:

400m run or 500m row

30 squat clean

400m run or 500m row


400m run or 500m row

40 toes to bar

400m run or 500m row

40 front rack KB step-up (20/20)

L1: 45/35 power clean; DB or body weight step-up

L2: 105/75; Y/B or 35/35

L3: 135/95; G/Y or 50/35

9’er Story: Nic’s open letter to moms

June 19, 2019
nic screws postpartum fitness crossfit 9 st pete fl

“I will always remember the year I joined CrossFit9 because it was the same year my daughter was born—2016. I sent my husband down ahead of our big move from Brooklyn to DTSP to find us the perfect home and gym. Instead he found Zack & the rest is history. 

I jokingly tell people I “inherited” this gym because thanks to my husband’s excellent gym-selecting-skills (and Zack’s gift of gab!), I truly felt like I walked in to a Carnation Instant community on Day 1 as a St Pete resident. 

I was 8 weeks pregnant when we moved here & I became a member. My coaches & fellow athletes were some of the first people to know that I was expecting. They literally watched and supported me as I grew a human. They were part of my transformation of becoming a mom—and I honestly felt like I was part of their transformation of becoming a more mama-friendly & adapting space for expecting athletes. I certainly was not the first ever woman to workout here through her entire pregnancy, and I am not suggesting I started the CF9 baby boom, but I STARTED THE CF9 BABY BOOM! 

I am proud to say that I was witness to the evolving care & concern of the coaches at CrossFit9 to the changing demographic of their female athletes. I always felt greatly SEEN & supported by this staff during the entirety of my pregnancy (& beyond!). I was pushed, but never shamed, as my strength and abilities gave way to my growing waistline. (Although shouts to Coach Megan who always called my bullshit & knew I could squat just a little deeper.) 

Over the past 3 years, CrossFit9 has proven to be more than just a gym to me. At times it has been: My Therapy. My Battlefield. My Sanity. My Mommy Group. My Place of Worship. My Frenemy. My Safe Haven. My Worst Nightmare. My Childcare. My Meditation. My Mental Health Center. My Accountability. My Clarity. 

The first time I left my kid—ever—was to attend a WOD. Showing up & putting in the work for myself became my non-negotiable, my most guarded form of self-care. I blocked it off on my calendar like a mandatory meeting or a dental appointment. 

Being a new mom can be lonely. In the early days, sometimes the people in this gym were the only adult humans I interacted with all day. As my new identity & body came to be, I was fueled by their sincerity & support. Thank you to every single person who asked about my kid, or most importantly about me, during that period. 

The biggest gift that pregnancy gave me (besides an heir) was a deeper, more positive relationship with my body. Not the body I covet, or my future body, but the one that I currently have. The one that allowed me to stay active & healthy while it was busy creating, nourishing & raising a life. That body is awesome. It’s a relief & a blessing to finally be able to say that out loud—at age 39. 

It also gave me a more keen awareness that my time is the most valuable thing I have/can give, which is why I have adjusted my fitness expectations, learned to listen to my body’s needs, & have embraced a mostly exclusive 9HIIT lifestyle. For me, personally, the mental health benefits (plus the obvious BURN) of a Chipper-like, aka short, high-intensity, workout has been extremely satisfying & restorative. 

One of my most memorable moments as an athlete since becoming a mom was the day I finally jumped on a box again. My kid was 20 months old. TWENTY. But with the encouragement & faith of my classmates I was able to finally take the leap. I will never forget the people & the faces who high-fived & attagirl’d me that day. 9ers: Your presence is more powerful than you know. 

And just this last week I reached another #Fitmom milestone. After being asked to share my “transformation” (for which I felt unworthy, but grateful for), I finally got up the nerve to make like one of the plethora of strong, ultra-badass females that I worship & work out next to every day, & put on a pair of Fleo training shorts & sauntered in to the WOD like the god damn body-confident warrior that this community (including my unwavering husband!) have believed me in to being. (Backstory: I am only half kidding when I say that I haven’t felt comfortable wearing a pair of shorts in public since the late ‘90s—so that was a huge, personal feat for my fitness journey.)

Nic Screws CrossFit 9 Parent St Pete FL Rocking *The* Fleo Shorts!

Free tips for moms: 

– Zack is available for baby wearing during the WOD upon request (Babybjorn not included). Also: I recently saw Coach Richard take the helm of a stroller so a mom could concentrate on her Tabata undisturbed. In other words: LET YOUR CF9 FAMILY INTO YOUR VILLAGE. They. Got. You. 

– Give yourself grace. Pregnancy & motherhood is the triumph of a lifetime. It may take two months, or twenty, but you will get atop that box again. 

– Just wear the fucking Fleo shorts. Don’t wait for “the perfect moment,” or to lose those last 10lbs. Take the advice you would give your daughter/son & show up JUST AS YOU ARE. Because you are tremendous. You are a mom. (Bonus: Apparently confidently wearing barely-there, compression shorts to the gym is a cheap & cheerful gift to give your life partner. My husband reports 100 percent satisfaction with his “Father’s Day present.”)  

– Yes, postpartum incontinence is real. You will never be able to do a jumping jack  E V E R  again without the fear of pee in your activewear. (No, it doesn’t get better. BUT CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING A HUMAN! YOU GOT THIS MAMA!)”

– Nic Screws, 9’er for 3 years


June 19, 2019

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Tabata (8 rounds: 20 sec work/10 sec rest)

1. Burpees

2. Calorie ski or echo bike

3. Skater jumps

4. Hollow rock or ab roll-out

*rest 1 minute between movements.


Metcon (Time)

3 rounds for time: (25 minute time cap)

400m run

5 wall walks

20 medball clean

20 push-up

20 hammer hit (10/side)


June 18, 2019

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Push Jerk (5 x 2)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP in 16 minutes:

30 double unders

15 pull-ups

10 power snatches

L1: 45/35+; 60 single unders

L2: 95/65+

L3: 135/95+

Today’s workout focuses on high skill movements (snatch) performed under shoulder fatigue. Pick a strong, consistent pace that still yields good form.


June 17, 2019

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Front Squat (8@60%, 6@70%, 2×4@80%, 2×2@90%)


Metcon (Time)

4 rounds:

400m row

15 SH2OH

Rest 1 minute between rounds

L1: 45/35+

L2: 105/75+

L3: 155/105+

Score the slowest one round.

**This WOD is a couplet sprint. Can you lift heavy under cardiovascular fatigue? We’ll put that to the test.


June 15, 2019

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

24 minute AMRAP:

24 goblet squat

12 hang power clean

2/1 bar muscle up

200m run

L1: 15 ring row or 10 pull-up; 45/35

L2: 2/1 bar muscle up; 95/65+

L3: 5/3 bar muscle up; 135/95+
This workout puts your skills to the test by combining simple and complex movements. Test your skills under stress.


June 14, 2019

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Metcon (Time)

2 rounds:

800m run or 800m ski or 1000m row

rest 3-4 minutes between

score = slowest.

*Anytime the score is slowest, we are looking for a strong effort with smart pacing. Don’t blow yourself up!


Metcon (Time)

Buy In: 2 minute accumulated L-hold or knee raise from bar

3 rounds:

200m single arm farmer carry

30 DB step ups

30 push-up

30 wallball (20#/14#)

Cash out: 2 minute L-hold or knee raise from bar.

L1: 10/5+; B/P

L2: 35/25+; G/Y

L3: 50/35+; R/G

*The focus of this workout is core strengthening and training unilateral movements. Pick a strong pace and hold on tight.


June 13, 2019

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Push Press (5 x 5)


Metcon (Time)

For time:

Deadlift 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Pull-up 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10

Between every round of DL & PU, perform 20 DU

L1: 45/35 or 40 single

L2: 205/135

L3: 225/155

**This workout is a classic CrossFit couplet with a cruel twist. This is a speed test that will burn out your forearms/ grip strength. Try performing your sets unbroken.