March 13, 2018

CrossFit9 – WOD


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

8 minute AMRAP:

1L/1R turkish get-up

100m run

L1: B/P

L2: Y/B

L3: G/Y


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

20 minute amrap:

2-way sled push

20 box jump

20 KB swing

20 sit-up

20 sec L-hold from the bar

L1: Y/B; plank

L2: R/G Russian; hold from pull-up bar

L3: R/G American; parallette hold

CF9 Stories: Jessica Crushes the “Bulky” Myth

March 13, 2018

Meet Jessica Zak, one of our CrossFit and CF9 Barbell athletes whose journey can answer the age-old question: Will lifting weights make me bulky?



March 12, 2018

CrossFit9 – WOD


Back Squat (6 x 2)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

14 min amrap:

6 power clean

8 pull-up

10 wallballs

L1: 45/35

L2: 135/95

L3: 165/125


March 11, 2018

CrossFit9 – WOD


Push Press (6 x 2)


Metcon (Time)

3 rounds for time:

400m run

15 Deadlift


L1: 95/65

L2: 185/115

L3: 225/155


March 9, 2018

CrossFit9 – WOD

Crossfit Games Open 18.3 (Ages 16-54) (Time)

2 rounds for time of:

100 double-unders

20 overhead squats 115/80 lb

100 double-unders

12 ring muscle-ups

100 double-unders

20 dumbbell snatches 50/35 lb

100 double-unders

12 bar muscle-ups

Time cap: 14 minutes


March 8, 2018

CrossFit9 – WOD


Bench Press (6 x 2)

Bent over row 4 x 10


Metcon (Time)

3 rounds for time (21 min cap)

400m run

30 box jump

20 push up

10 deadlift

L1: 95/65

L2: 185/135

L3: 225/155


March 7, 2018

CrossFit9 – WOD


Clean Complex (Weight)

1 Power Clean

1 Squat Clean

1 Front Squat


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

14 min amrap:

20/16 calorie row

20 KB swing

25 sit-up

L1: Y/B+ Russian

L2: R/G Russian

L3: R/G American



March 6, 2018

CrossFit9 – WOD


Metcon (Time)

10 Rounds:

100m Run

30 seconds rest after each round
Score is slowest


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

20 min AMRAP:

2-way sled push

10 D-ball

15 DB floor press (bench press style from floor)

20 hammers hits

No rx weight, scale appropriately
Score is reps

Sled push = 5 reps each way

1 round = 55 reps

CF9 Stories: Beyond “Before and After” with Molly

March 6, 2018
crossfit 9 results st pete fl molly

Yes, there are great “before and after” photos involved, but Molly Pritchard’s story is much more than that.

As warm and inviting as the Sunshine City itself, Molly is a human sunbeam. Anyone at CrossFit9 will tell you Molly is a tireless cheerleader for her teammates, finder of endless positivity, and just really, genuinely sweet.

You’d never guess that Molly, a bubbly 25-year-old nursing student from Philadelphia, was struggling with a crippling anxiety disorder when she joined CrossFit9 two years ago.

“There was a period of time where I would not even leave my house or my room. “If I did it would trigger a panic attack.”

New to St. Pete and stressed by her school workload, Molly says she relied on anxiety medication to function. She would frequently wake up in the middle of the night, heart racing.

“I was overweight, in therapy, and truly hated being in public.”

Molly when she first joined CrossFit9

Molly was taking a yoga class or two per week, but admits she was a little bored at times, unable to focus or get the full benefit out of her practice. At a yoga class, she ran into a CrossFit9 coach, and admitted she was scared to try it.

But she was intrigued enough to pay a fateful visit to the gym.

Molly says she was stunned when she first walked into CrossFit9 with her boyfriend, Nick (who is now a CrossFit9 coach).

“My first impression was Holy crap everyone is a super hero here… how do I become one?! Those first few months were crazy. I was sore in muscles I never knew I had!”

Molly Progress Photos CrossFit 9 St Pete FL

Molly attends a Beginner Rope Climb Clinic at CrossFit9

Over the first few weeks and months, Molly’s mindset started to shift.

“In the very beginning it was more mentally challenging than physically, because I constantly compared myself to others. But that very quickly changed from the outpouring of constant love, support, and advice I received from both members and coaches.”

molly at crossfit 9 st pete fl

As Molly started pushing the boundaries of her physical limitations, her mental and emotional limitations started crumbling as well. She reports her panic attacks no longer haunt her, she has been able to go off of anxiety medication, and she experiences a better overall sense of well-being.

“I am mentally and emotionally much stronger and composed than I was before. I am also a much more loving and caring person. This is because of the love and kindness that I have learned through members and coaches.”

Molly’s physical changes have come steadily, as well.

Molly Progress Photos CrossFit 9 St Pete FL fat loss

Molly tracks her progress through pictures.

“I sleep soundly through the night. I have lost a significant amount of fat, and I have gained a lot of muscle. My blood pressure used to be about 120/80, now it’s consistently around 108/60. I no longer have a muffin top or a puffy belly… I actually am just beginning to see abs forming! Woohoo!”

molly crossfit 9 st pete fl

Molly Crushing CrossFit Open 18.2!

The Whole Life Challenge

Looking to accelerate her already-awesome progress, Molly signed up as part of Team CrossFit9 for the January 2018 Whole Life Challenge.

The hard stats don’t lie. In just six weeks, Molly:

  • Decreased her body fat by 4.3%
  • Dropped 5 lbs.
  • Lost an inch off her hips and half an inch off her waist.
  • Crushed stress and cruised into a new job with a feeling of wellness

In fact, Molly’s exuberant WLC wrap-up Instagram post caught the attention of The Whole Life Challenge, who shared her awesome progress pictures on their Instagram account!

What’s Next for Molly

This nursing student is still sweet as pie, but Molly’s newfound gumption has re-routed her nursing career. She tells us she found the confidence to tackle the Emergency Room, a space she feels truly at home.

“My mindset is so much healthier than it used to be. Mentally and emotionally I am much more composed and mature. Physically I am much stronger, and having great endurance is such a perk in so many aspects of life. This all benefits me greatly in the nursing career that I am pursuing, because I am on my feet 12 hours a day lifting and comforting distressed patients.”

“I truthfully do not know where I would be, what I would be doing, or who I would be without CrossFit9. Thanks to supportive coaches and members, I have transformed into someone I never thought could exist years ago. I’m much more confident, independent, and have learned to believe in and love myself and others unconditionally! I am a much better team member now, and really enjoy giving back to the community and supporting others accomplish their goals.”

You’re Next!

For all the newbies sitting on the sidelines, Molly’s advice is to stop overthinking and just do it.

“You don’t have to be at a certain level athletically to begin CrossFit. Everyone starts their own journey in their own special way. Stop thinking about all the what if’s and start thinking of what could be!

If you don't think you have what it takes to own your story, let Molly's amazing emotional and mental transformation…

Posted by CrossFit9 on Tuesday, January 16, 2018







Our CF9 Stories are plentiful. Check out Russell’s Dramatic Fat Loss Transformation!








March 5, 2018

CrossFit9 – WOD


Split Jerk (1 Rep Max)


CrossFit Games Open 12.4 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12-minute AMRAP of:
150 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14#
90 Double-Unders
30 Muscle-ups