CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


1-Mile Run (Time)

Max Effort 1-Mile Run
Or 2 mile bike. (You can complete the skill before or after the 9:30 AM Zoom Class, we will not do it as a group)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

5 x 6 Minute AMRAPs:

1. 10 Cossack squats (10/10) + 20 single leg sit-ups (10/10)

Rest 2 minutes

2. 10 burpees + 20 skater jumps

Rest 2 minutes

3. 10 plank walk outs + 20 donkey kicks (10/10)

Rest 2 minutes

4. 10 handstand push ups or seated strict press + 20 single arm high pulls (10/10)

Rest 2 minutes

5. 10 single arm bent over row from floor (10/10) + 20 single arm thrusters (10/10)