“Before this, I couldn’t run 800m, now I’m running 7 miles. I couldn’t do 4 unbroken burpees, now I can do 30. I couldn’t do 10 push-ups, now I can do 25. I couldn’t do a pul-lup, now I can string together 5.”
9’er Stories: Caitlin kicks unhealthy body image to the curb

“Throughout the past year I proved to myself that I could love myself and be happy in my own skin.”
Consistency Queen: Ashley Cain is here to crush metcons (and ice cream)

Ashley Cain is the type of person you just cannot help but love. She’s quick with a megawatt smile. Genuinely kind. Instantly relatable – right down to her well-documented love for Publix BOGO’s on Halo Top or Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream. “I love food and I don’t see that ever changing,” she laughs. Ashley… Read more »
Fit for What: Officer Maria Cortez is ready for push jerks and police patrols

Unless you saw Ofc. Maria Cortez pull up in her police cruiser, you’d likely not know her fitness focus is part self improvement, part career necessity.
CF9 Stories: Nikki’s Body Image Transformation

Nikki Hehn’s story has it all: Hard-fought weight loss. Beating an eating disorder. And most importantly: Forging a new relationship with herself.
BJ calls CrossFit9 the “only reason” for his dramatic weight loss

BJ Haegele is a man of few words. But he’s got a lot to say when it comes to his dramatic transformation in the 11 months since he and his fiance joined CrossFit9. Almost exactly one year ago, BJ (6 feet tall), weighed in at 252 lbs. He was unhappy with his weight, on blood… Read more »
CF9 Stories: Beyond “Before and After” with Molly

Yes, there are great “before and after” photos involved, but Molly Pritchard’s story is much more than that. As warm and inviting as the Sunshine City itself, Molly is a human sunbeam. Anyone at CrossFit9 will tell you Molly is a tireless cheerleader for her teammates, finder of endless positivity, and just really, genuinely sweet. You’d… Read more »
Featured Athlete: Brad Prescott
Masters Regional Qualifiers are upon us, and resident badass Brad Prescott is representing CrossFit9. No better time to sit down and see what makes this featured athlete tick.
Kristin’s CrossFit9 Story
Today marks workout #100! Today I have reached my goal.
Adnan’s CrossFit9 Story
“I’ll be the first to admit that I have never been much of a fan of working out.