CrossFit WOD – Fri, Apr 12

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Strength (Checkmark)

7 sets (As Heavy As Possible):

15/15 HEAVY D-Ball Marches

40-meter sled push (one way in p-lot)

– Rest 1-2 min between sets.
d-ball and sled can be performed in any order; complete both as fast as possible then rest.

If needed, alternate with partner/team rest while other are working, then directly back to work


Metcon (Time)

For time:

50-ft handstand walk (locomotion variation)

25 toes-to-bar

50-ft handstand walk (locomotion variation)

50 alternating DB snatches (50/35)

50-ft handstand walk (locomotion variation)

25 toes-to-bar

50-ft handstand walk (locomotion variation)
Locomotion Variations:

HS Walk

Frogger/Bunny Hops

Lateral Monkey Hops

Mechanical or Gymnastics Bear Crawl

50ft is down and back roughly from red pole to red pole (front to back of gym)

DB snatches should be performed on the perimeter of the room or outside