CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD
Power Snatch (15 minute EMOM
Min 0-5: 3 snatch high pull
Min 6-10: 3 hang power snatch
Min 11-15: 3 power snatch
– increase weight throughout
– Score is the heaviest load for each section.
Barbell-free Alternative :
3 per side of each:
Min 0-5: KB snatch high pull
Min 6-10: Hang snatch
Min 11-15: KB snatch from floor
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
20 minute AMRAP
20 cal bike (erg or echo)
15 dips
10 dumbbell Turkish get-ups
RX: ♀ 35-lb. DB ♂ 50-lb. DB
Accessory Finisher
Pull-ups (1 set of max pull-ups)
Pull-Up Strength: Horizontal Pulling (Checkmark)
Ring Rows
3 x 10
Strive for a faster up & slower down tempo
Choose an angle that allows for a difficult set of 12 reps – elevate feet on a box or bench if needed for more challenge
Deeper angle than last week, or add weight vest