CrossFit WOD – Mon, Jan 20

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Strict Press (5 x 5)

DB Option:

Single Arm DB Strict Press

4 x 10-15 per side


CrossFit Workout 1 (Time)

“Fast & Heavy”

For time:

21 Dumbell Thrusters

400m run

18 Dumbell Thrusters

400m run

15 Dumbell Thrusters

400m run

This is the first CrossFit workout posted to
L1: 20/15

L2: 50/35

L3: 70/50

Push-ups – Percentage

Push-ups (1 set of max reps)

Push-ups – Percentage (Checkmark)

4 sets:

70% – 60% – 50% – 40%
percentage based on your max set