CrossFit WOD – Wed, Oct 30

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD

General Warm-up (Checkmark)

1 set:

10 PVC pass-throughs (wide grip)

20 alternating plank shoulder taps

5 elbow-to-instep/side

:30 counterbalance plate squats

– Hold the bottom of each squat for :02.

1 set:

10 PVC pass-throughs (moderate grip)

20 alternating plank shoulder taps

6 alternating Samson stretch lunges

:30 counterbalance plate squats

– Hold the bottom of each squat for :01.

1 set:

10 PVC pass-throughs (narrow grip)

20 alternating plank shoulder taps

5 inchworms

:30 counterbalance plate squats

– No pause at the bottom.

241030 (Time)

– RX –

21-15-9 reps for time:

Hang power snatches (65/95 lb)

Overhead squats


21-15-9 reps for time:

Hang power snatches (45/65 lb)

Overhead squats


21-15-9 reps for time:

Hang power snatches (35/45 lb)

Overhead squats

– MASTERS 55+ –

21-15-9 reps for time:

Hang power snatches (45/65 lb)

Overhead squats

Turkish Get Up (Post-workout:
4 sets:
6 alternating Turkish get-ups
– Rest 1:00 between sets.
– Use a single kettlebell or dumbbell. )

Stretching (Checkmark)

1 set:

:45 scorpion stretch/side

:45 table top stretch

– AT-HOME – (Time)

12-9-6 reps for time of:

Left-arm DB hang power snatches (35/50 lb)

Left-arrm DB overhead squats

Right-arm DB hang power snatches

Right-arm DB overhead squats

– Use one dumbbell.