CrossFit9 – WOD


Metcon (Time)


For fun:

800m Sleigh Run

100 Arctic Air Squats

90 Kwanzaa KB Swings

80 Plum Pudding Push-ups

70 Wall Snowballs

60 “Ho, ho, ho!” Burpees

50 Calorie Reindeer Row or Angelic Assault Bike

60 Chimney Chin-Ups

70 Gift Box Jump

80 Kettle Bell Sumo Deadlift Hanukkah High Pull

90 Santa Sit-up

100 Wintry Walking Lunge

200m Elf Carry (Or carry santa’s sack of toys!)

Game rules:

*Teams of 2 or more

*Each team must have a ball at all times – and it cannot touch the ground

*If you come to a station that is full, skip it and complete later.