Holiday Schedule Announcement!
Please check Wodify Class Schedule for our most up to date hours. Classes with 0 reservations will be subject to being cancelled.
We hope you all enjoy your holiday season, and safe travels to anyone going out of town!!
CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD
Hang Squat Clean (2 x 5 @ 50-60%
2 x 4 @ 60-70%
2 x 3 65-75%)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
4 x 4 minute AMRAPs:
3 hang power cleans
6 shoulder-to-overheads
9 lateral burpees over the bar
12 pull-ups
– Rest 2:00 between rounds.
L1: 45/35
L2: 95/65
L3: 135/95
Push-ups – Accessory
Push-ups (max rep set)
Push-ups – Percentage (Checkmark)
3 x 40% of your max set
if max set is 10 reps, do 3 sets of 4 reps with rest periods in between
L3: Add weight vest or plate on back