CrossFit WOD – Thu, Nov 14


Thanksgiving Food Drive (11/1 – 11/28)

Free 9FIT workouts with a donation!

Bring friends, family, and non-perishable donations!

Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday Hours


7:30am CF & 9FIT, 8:30am CF & 9FIT, 9:30am 5k Run

Black Friday:

7:30am CF & 9FIT, 8:30am CF & 9FIT, 9:30am CF & 9FIT

Reserve under “special events” tab

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Snatch (6 x 3

Build to a heavy 1-rep snatch

Gain perspective on a weight for the metcon in order to complete unbroken sets)


5 Turkish sit-ups per arm between sets


5 windmills per arm between sets

(these will help to improve overhead mobility and stability)


Metcon (Time)

3 rounds for time:

250m ski

15 hang power snatches* (or 30 db snatches)

30 slam balls or ghd sit-up

*10 burpee over the bar if break
L1: 45/35 or 30 reps with db (15R/15L); 10+ slam ball

L2: 75/65; 20+ slam ball

L3: 95/65; 30+ slam ball