You won’t see this unusual movement in a WOD, but the Dead Walk is an A+ back strengthener!
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: A strong back means an injury-resistant back. And that’s enough reason for all of us to care about back homework.
Today we’re sharing one of our favorite accessory movements: The Dead Walk.
Work at a slow and controlled pace, and add weight slowly. Don’t obsess about how low you can go, instead visualize the vertebrae moving individually and with control as you descend, and your spine moving as one solid, strong piece on the way up.
Start with low volume (maybe 3 sets of 8 reps per leg) and work up from there, increasing slowly to 4 sets of 15 per leg over the course of several weeks. We highly suggest pairing this movement with some of our other favorites for some solid back work before or after your WOD.
Example: 3 supersets (working straight through all four movements, rest at the end, and repeat):
- 20 Butt walks
- 15 Reverse hypers
- 10 Dead walks (per leg)
- 5 YTW’s
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