200304 ARC

CrossFit9 – Active Recovery Care (ARC)


Warm-up (No Measure)

6 minutes for quality:

100 M ski, easy pace

:30 s downward dog, pedal feet

5 cat cows

10 alternating bird dogs

10 alternating sampson lunges

Active Recovery Care (ARC)

Metcon (No Measure)

20 minutes for quality:

• 6 Half Kneeling Pallof Press / side.

On each press, hold for 3 breaths.

• 12 Alternating deadbugs

On each extension, hold for 3 breaths. You will likely have to break these up to keep quality reps.

• 12 Arrested Supermans

2 count hold at the top of each rep.

1 minute D-Ball march

No backbending. Keep the D-Ball at chest level, not by your belly button.
Half Kneeling Pallof Press




Arrested Superman
