CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Metcon (No Measure)

Plank series:

3 rounds:

0:00-0:45 plank kick throughs (L3: add a push-up)

0:45-1:30 prone plank

1:30-2:15 side (R) plank

2:15-3:00 side (L) plank

3:00-3:45 supine plank

3:45-5:00 rest


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

*10 minute AMRAP:

2 SDLHP, 20 Lateral Hops

4 SDLHP, 20 Lateral Hops

6 SDLHP, 20 Lateral Hops

Continue to add (2) SDLHP per round

*Every 2:00, starting at 0:00: 50 high knees

Rest ‪3:00‬

10 minute AMRAP:

2 Swings, 20 Jumping Lunges (or rev. lunge or split squat)

4 Swings, 20 Jumping Lunges

6 Swings, 20 Jumping Lunges

Continue to add (2) Swings per round

*Every 2:00, starting at 0:00: 10 thrusters with swing weight