CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD

Pride 2021 (AMRAP – Reps)

In teams of 2:

30 minute AMRAP:

6 rounds:

6 burpees

12 goblet squats

16 KB swings

*49 calorie echo bike

Followed by…

6 rounds:

6 single arm devil press (3R/3L)

12 toes to bar

16 medball cleans

*490 meter run

Followed by…

6 rounds:

6 DB clean and press (6R/6L)

12 toes to bar or hanging knee raise

16 jumping lunges

*49 calorie row

L1: 15/10+

L2: 35/25+

L3: 50/35+

Instructions: Partner A completes one full round, then partner B goes. Once all six rounds are completed, partners may distribute 49 calories as they wish. 490m run to be completed together.

June 12, 2016: 49 people were murdered when a gunman opened fire at Pulse night club in Orlando.