211209 – 9FIT

CrossFit9 – 9FIT


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

2 Rounds x 2 minute AMRAP:

Each AMRAP starts with a 100m run or 250m bike erg sprint

Then max reps of:

AMRAP 1: Wallballs

AMRAP 2: MB cleans

AMRAP 3: MB slam with broad jump

AMRAP 4: Russian twists with ball

AMRAP 5: Skater jumps with floor touch

*Rest 30 seconds between AMRAPs

**Rest 1 minute after AMRAP 5, then return to AMRAP 1 and repeat


7 Minute AMRAP:

20 oblique heel reaches

20 alternating v-ups

20 sit-ups

20 plank shoulder taps