CrossFit WOD – Mon, Feb 12


CrossFit Open 2024 is here!

We will host Open workouts on Saturday mornings 9:30am – 11am (March 2nd, 9th, and 16th)

Reserve class under “Special Events” drop down menu

Normal (non-open) classes beforehand are as follows:

CrossFit WOD – 7:30am, 8:30am

9FIT – 8:00am, and 9:00am

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD

Stability and Core Strength

Banded Glute bridges 3×10


Deadlift (6 x 3)


Metcon (8 Rounds for time)

8 rounds

6 Hang Power Snatch

1 100 ft shuttle run (50ft down and 50ft back = 1 rep)

20 sit ups