CrossFit WOD – Mon, Oct 31

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Week 7 of our snatch cycle. (Only one more week!) Athletes may choose to work on squat or power snatch during this cycle. The goal is to pick one and build strength/technique.

A: Snatch (Build to today’s 1RM snatch

*You will have one more opportunity to hit a 1RM snatch next week.)

B: Tall Snatch (3 x 5)

AKA Snatch pull-unders, dead-hang snatch. Details:
Very light


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

For 7 rounds, every 2 minutes complete…

15/12 calorie row (1 minute cap)

5 overhead squats

Rest for the remainder of the 2 minutes

L1: 12/10 calorie row; 45/35

L2: 115/85+

L3: 17/14 calorie row; 155/105+

All levels cap row at 1 minute; goal is to push the row