CrossFit WOD – Sat, Jul 1


New 9FIT Classes

We’re adding NEW 4:30 PM 9FIT classes Monday and Wednesday in the small room.

Effective July 1.

Class Caps in Effect

We generally take a relaxed attitude towards class capacity caps, but our afternoon classes in the small room are starting to get consistently overcrowded. Please:

  • respect the class capacity shown on Wodify and only attend if you have an actual reservation (not a waitlist spot).
  • respect the folks on the waitlist. If you cannot make it, please cancel your reservation so the people on the waitlist have a chance to attend.

Common courtesy and mutual respect help us avoid awkwardly turning people away or enacting no-show and late cancellation penalties (all of which are commonplace at most class-based gyms). We don’t want that, either.


Thank you in advance! 🙏

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD

Metcon (Time)

For Time

In Teams of Two:

150 Hang Power Snatch

150 Toes to Bar

150 Wall balls

150 Burpees over bar

*Every 3 minutes, one athlete has to get to a Rower or Echo and perform 8/6 Cals AFAP

L2: 75/55

L3: 95/65