CrossFit WOD – Thu, Dec 15


Re-sign Waiver

All members! Click the bell notification tab in the upper right hand corner of your Wodify App. Then click “You have a waiver to sign.”

Due to a glitch in the Wodify system you will need to fill out a new waiver before you are able to be signed in to the next class you attend.

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD

Single Modality

Metcon (Time)

3 rounds:

40/35 calorie echo bike

(or 50/40 calorie ski if large class – prefer echo)

Rest 3 minutes between rounds

Score = slowest round

L1: 30/25 calorie echo bike


Metcon (Time)

For time:

50 alternating DB snatches

50 DB OH lunges

50 pull-ups

50 DB weighted sit-ups

L1: 25/15+

L2: 35/25+

L3: 50/35+