CrossFit WOD – Tue, Apr 11




Our April schedule brings the return of our Wednesday 6:30 PM CrossFit WOD! Details here.

9’er Beach Day!

Join us at St. Pete Beach for fun in the sun on Sunday, April 16. Find all the details here.

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Gymnastics (Checkmark)

HSPU & Wall-facing HSPU Skill Work
TC: 15 minutes

Score: Checkmark

Scaling Options

L1: 4 sets: 20 second head stand + 5 push-up with tempo

Headstand + Push-Ups

L2: 5 x 5 Pike HSPU OR

5 sets: hold top 5 seconds, down 5 seconds, headstand 5 seconds + 5 push-up

L3: 5 x 5 Wall Facing HSPU


Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

3 rounds x 1:00 stations, each full round for reps

1. Crossover singles

2. Toes to bar

3. Calorie row

4. Power snatch

5. Rest
TC: 15 minutes

Score: Reps

Scaling Options

L1: Single unders; Feet anchored sit-ups or swinging leg raises; 45/35

L2:Crossover singles or double unders; 75/55

L3: 95/65


Murph Prep (No Measure)

800m run

50 air squats