CrossFit WOD – Tue, Sep 5

CrossFit9 – CrossFit WOD


Extended Skill Warm Up (No Measure)

Power Clean Loading Phase/Extended Practice – Build to heavy set of 5 for the workout

Bar Muscle Up Warm Up/Practice


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

5 rounds for time

(Each round is a sprint and done unbroken)

10 Box Jumps

5 Power Cleans

3-5 Bar muscle-ups

Rest 1 minute between rounds
Scaling Options

Use a challenging weight/reps that can still be performed unbroken on all reps

L1: 45/35 (10 cleans, 10 jumping pull-up/BMU, no rest between rounds)

L2: 135/95; 3 BMU

L3: 185/125; Max set of BMU per round


Conditioning (Calories)

Echo Bike

10 rounds

20 sec @ HARD effort

40 sec Rest
Score = total Cals