Fit for What Podcast

Fit for What is the official in-house podcast of CrossFit9. It's one of our many ways of communicating with our members and like-minded people all around the world.

The name is a nod to our belief that what you do inside the gym should always benefit your life outside of it.

Episodes include gym announcements and actionable steps to becoming a happier, healthier, more durable human.

Where to Listen + watch

Find the audio version on these popular podcast streaming services.

We greatly appreciate your subscriptions and five-star ratings!  ★★★★★

Video versions can be found on our YouTube and IGTV channels.



This thing is a conversation, so we'd love to hear your questions, comments, and topics you want to hear about!

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Go to our page and click the "message" button at the top. Record your question in a quiet place.

Great questions will make it onto our podcasts, along with answers from the coaches!

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