Mark’s CrossFit9 Story

It started with a promise I made to myself.

I vividly remember that I took a glimpse in the mirror. I hardly recognized myself. I used to be athletic when I was younger and I came to realize I had really let myself go physically. At the time I was suffering from chronic back spasms that would leave me debilitated if I simply moved or twisted by body the wrong way. This was due to my increased weight, which was over 240 pounds at my heaviest point, and lack of activity. I made a promise to myself at that moment that I was going to be in better shape at 40 years old than I was in my early 30’s, not only for the myself, but for my young family.

I started dieting and working out on my own. This worked for a little while but I noticed that I wasn’t pushing myself harder and I had hit a plateau. One day my back spasms started and I was in pain for a few days. My sister in law recommended that I visit Dr. Lance at Rx Chiro. After looking me over he recommended that I check out CrossFit9 because even though I was working out on my own, I really wasn’t targeting the muscle groups that would strengthen my back enough to avoid injury. I agreed and decided to give CrossFit9 a shot.

I arrived early to my first foundations class on October 1, 2012 at 7:00 AM. The 6:00 AM class was wrapping up a 5K run (thank god they weren’t making me do that on my first day). Steve Ashton was my foundations trainer and asked if I could get down into a squat. No … not even halfway. Could I do a pull up? No, I struggled to inch myself up a little bit towards the bar. What’s a burpee? I realized how out of shape I was and it was exposed for everyone in the building to see, but the great thing was that I knew that there were others that went through the same beginning struggles I was experiencing. Everyone was very supportive.

I stayed consistent with my workout routine, cleaned up my diet and totally changed my life. In April, I hit my 40th birthday and I can honestly say that I kept the promise that I made to myself. I’m stronger and healthier than I have been in years. I am surprised by some of the accomplishments I have reached in the past 3 years but now it’s time to set new goals. Here’s to getting in even better shape by 50!

Mark Kacprowski

Age 40

Q: Is CrossFit Good for Fat Loss?

A: Absolutely!

SPECIAL INTRO PRICE: New CrossFitters can get 3 months unlimited access for $300 (a $405 value)! Sign up here to find out more!

CrossFit creates the ideal conditions in which to lose body fat. Lean muscle gives tone, fortifies your skeletal structure, and increases your resting metabolic rate. High-intensity, constantly varied workouts scorch body fat in a short amount of time, while benefitting both your aerobic and anaerobic capacities.

Why does CrossFit work for fat loss? Glad you asked…

Ready to take this to the next level? Let’s go!

November Challenge

\We all know they’re coming up in the CrossFit Open: Double Unders. So this month’s challenge is:

As many Double Unders as possible in 5 minutes. The athlete making the biggest improvement over the course of November wins. There is no limit to how many attempts you can make, but you must test at least twice. RSVP here to enter.

Results must be entered into Wodify. For instructions on how to manually enter your performance into Wodify, click here. Add Performance > Benchmark Metcon > “5 Minute Double Under Test”

Our October Winner is…

I Don’t Have Time to Exercise

We make you this promise: We will always respect your time.

Check out a few reasons why CrossFit9 has a long list of athletes who are parents, first responders, business owners, office warriors, and other time-crunched people who need to make every second count.

1. Classes are an hour long. Period.

Warmup. Mobilization. Workout explanation. Skills like strength work and gymnastic progressions. Fat-burning metabolic conditioning. Cooldown. All of this takes place in one hour or less, and under the watchful eye of a CrossFit9 coach. Check out our schedule here.

2. No guesswork.

Don’t you hate that feeling of walking into a gym and wondering what you’re going to do that day? Us, too. That’s why CrossFit9’s expert coaches program the workouts, so you’ll never be left scratching your head.

3. The Best Damn Schedule Around

CrossFit is wonderful, but why pay for a gym if it’s not open when you want to use it? CrossFit9 is open every day of the week, including luxuriously long open gym hours. So if you only have a few minutes to spare, you can still squeeze in a good workout.

4. Make the Most of Your Day

A heart-pounding workout can be the best thing you do for your productivity. A good ol’ endorphin rush will make you clear-headed at work, able to keep up with your kids, and sleep better when you hit the sack.

Ready to take this to the next level? Let’s go!


The Traveling CrossFitter’s Guide to Dropping In

Every CrossFit affiliate is different. When you're on their turf, it's their rules. Here's how to drop in without looking like a jerk (the bad kind, that is).

We love visitors! ❤️🌴 

We require online signup ahead of your visit. It only takes a couple of minutes, and then you're ready for an easy-breezy check-in upon arrival.

See you in class!

1. Do Your Homework

Research your choices ahead of time. If you're visiting a large city, you'll have many choices for places to visit, while small towns might have a very limited selection of locations and class times. Use the CrossFit Affiliate Map, or the "Wodifind" feature in the Wodify app. Online reviews on Yelp and Google will give you a good starting point for narrowing the field, but Facebook and Instagram profiles are even better. You'll get a pretty good feel for the personality of the place.

Above all else: Do not assume it's like your home box. CrossFit gyms are small businesses with limited resources, and they're run entirely independently of each other.

Drop-In Policies vary widely from box to box. While many are very casual, others require drop-ins to attend particular class times, and some don't accept drop-ins at all.

For gyms in tourist hotspots (like ours), these drop-in policies allow them to reasonably accept guests without negatively impacting the monthly clients who pay their bills.

This takes us to the next step:

Check the affiliate webpage ahead of time for details and reservation links. If you don't see any specific directions online, email or call the box to ask for their procedure. Include details like your full name, phone number, experience, and the specific days you'd like to drop in.

Holiday hours might be drastically different from the usual schedule. Ask if it is not already posted on their website or social media.

high fives at crossfit9

2. Arrive Early

Nothing is more disruptive to a class than having a visitor show up right at class start time, or even worse... late. Show respect for the box you're visiting by showing up at least 15 minutes ahead of class (at a bare minimum).  You'll have plenty of time to pay for your drop-in, sign the waiver, and mobilize. Some affiliates expect you to do your own warm-up and mobilization ahead of start time, so allow for that if necessary. Meet the coach, and let them know if you're nursing an injury or need to substitute a movement.


3. Listen

Every coach has a different toolbox to get the job done. You'll likely hear new cues and methods than you do at your home box, and that's a great thing. Often, coaches are trying to get you to accomplish the same thing with different verbal cues. They might have a trick that really speaks to you, so listen up!

If a coach asks you to do something you know is unsafe, go ahead and sub for a different movement or lower weight. It may be their turf, but it's your body. No need to be argumentative.

crossfit in st pete fl

4. Go ahead, be a tourist!

You've got a great opportunity to rub elbows with the townsfolk, so take advantage! Be friendly with the people in your class. After all, the locals always know the good places to go, right?

It's pretty much a required CrossFit tradition to collect t-shirts from the places you've visited. While some boxes only accept cards, other boxes prefer cash, so come with a few bucks to pony up for a sweet souvenir!

(Better yet: Design your own in our CrossFit9 Swag Shop!)

If you had a great time during the class, it's okay to ask someone to take your photo with the coach. Believe me, they will take it as a compliment!

5. LEave Feedback

Don't be afraid to post about your experience on the affiliate's social media, Yelp, or Google page. Feedback is valuable to a small business.

9'ers, if you saw something you really liked at another box, be sure to let us know!

Safe travels 9Nation, and happy holidays!

Drop in at crossfit9!

Visiting St. Pete during the holidays? We'd love to have you come train with us! Please RSVP ahead of time so we can best serve you.

Danielle’s CrossFit9 Story

It’s been almost 3 years since I stepped through the doors of CrossFit9.

I was looking for a change. At that point in my life I was a shy, way-too-skinny girl with asthma, used to sprinting on a treadmill and doing supersets on non-functional machines at a local gym. I had fallen into the trap of worrying what the number on the scale showed and what size Express jeans I could fit in.

I remember being so intimated when I walked into CrossFit9 for the very first time. There were barbells flying, extremely fit people working out half naked doing some sort of upside down push-up. I felt completely in over my head until I realized I would be starting a class with 6 or 7 other people who looked just as scared as me.

From the first foundations class on I fell in love. As the months went on I started to become more confident in what I could do in the gym as well as outside of it. Who would have thought that throwing around heavy weight would give me courage and confidence, and the ability to apply that to my own practice as a physician assistant.

I think what I am most grateful about CrossFit9 is the community —  or should I say my second family. There is something about pouring your heart and soul into a workout and looking over and seeing someone struggle just as much as you or cheering you on. It really is true that the last person to finish a WOD gets the loudest cheers. I never thought that warehouse would be my home away from home.

This environment, the coaches, the members, has lit a fire inside of me and I am making goals and doing things I never thought I would do. One word: muscle-up.

That’s not the end though! I want to hit a 150 lbs. clean and jerk. The journey never ends. CrossFit and my family at CrossFit9 have pushed me to be better in so many facets of life. For that I’ll continue to drink the “kool-aid”. Cheers!

Danielle Yuftzack

Age 28

Ready to take this to the next level? Let’s go!

In It to Win It: Goal Setting Guide

GOALS: Everyone’s got them, yet hardly anyone follows through. But it doesn’t have to be that way!

Here’s what we’re going to cover:

1. Why you need to set goals.

2. How to avoid lame goals that are destined to fail you– NOT the other way around.

3. How to know if your goal is a winner.

Alright, Goal Getter. So you likely have a vague idea of what you want to achieve… kinda. Or your list of “goals” is a dozen items deep, with no specific plan for action. Maybe you’re a veteran athlete and you think this sort stuff is for newbies.

Well… you’re wrong. And even of you make progress for the time being, you’re selling yourself short in the long run. While 45% of Americans go about setting New Year’s Resolutions, less than 1 in 10 people actually achieve their goals, according to a University of Scranton study.


Why set goals in the first place?

  1. Insurance against burnout. CrossFit is famous for churning out athletes who are complete converts… for about 18-24 months. Without a roadmap, it’s really easy to fall off the wagon. The high-intensity WODs, once exciting, now seem draining. Weight room PRs come slower. The fat falls off a teensy bit at a time. Without a goal and plan, it’s easy to say “screw it” and go back to your old Zumba class.
  2. Achieving flow. You recall the feeling of starting anew. The first 3 months of CrossFit are like learning a foreign language. You’re learning new acronyms and jargon. (“WTF is an EMOM?”) You’re sore. You have to scale nearly everything. You’re out of “flow”.  The next 3-12 months of CrossFit are tantalizing. You’re hitting PRs left and right. You finally know what a power clean is. You have a buddy in your class. Your ability is finally starting to catch up to the challenge. “You’re in flow”. Then when your skills are starting to get really awesome, but without a clear sense of where you’re going or what goals are best for you, you might start feeling like classes just aren’t cutting it. You’re falling out of the flow. As you might see, flow is a picky lady.

Why Do Most Goals Fail?

Another little-known pitfall of telling your friends an outcome goal: It can actually make you statistically less likely to achieve it! Check out this TED Talk on this phenomena.

Set SMART Goals

Ah, SMART goals. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of sitting through a corporate meeting, you know exactly what we’re talking about. Your behavioral goal isn’t a go until it passes the SMA(a)RT test.

Is your goal…

SPECIFIC: What is the test? So you want to run faster. 100 Meters? Or 1,000 Meters?
MEASURABLE: What metric will you use to measure progress and define success? “I want to look better in my jeans.” is not measurable by any metric besides getting the zipper up. How about “I want to lose 5% body fat (and in doing so, I’ll feel better in everything I wear.)”
ATTAINABLE: We’re all for aiming high, but don’t set yourself up to fail. Qualifying for the CrossFit Games with one year of prep is just not going to happen.
(A)CCOUNTABILITY: Who will support you and hold you to the process? Is it a fellow CrossFitter? A friend at work who isn’t afraid to tell you to go to the gym instead of happy hour? (Note: This isn’t part of the original SMART framework, but we think it’s too important to leave out!)
RELEVANT: Is this goal meaningful to you personally? Do you really care about six pack abs, or do you just assume it’s something you should have? Answer this carefully, because if the goal isn’t something that excites you, then you should find one that does.
TIMELY: When is your deadline?

If your goal doesn’t meet these standards, let’s workshop them until they do. By taking the time to make sure the goal is serving you well, you’re MUCH more likely to make it become a reality.

2016 Goal-Crushing Events

As a follow-up to our December Goal Crushing Clinic, we’re setting up workshops and clinics to help CrossFitters achieve the most common goals. Nutrition, pull-ups, endurance, and more to be announced shortly!

Head over to our Facebook Events page, and click “Subscribe” to make sure you don’t miss these and future awesome events!

We want to help you achieve your goals!

Sign up here and tell us what you’d like to achieve.

Ready to take this to the next level? Let’s go!

Instagram Feed Me

3 Feeds to Follow for Nutritional Inspiration

Flavor God


Purveyors of unique and delicious seasonings, Flavor God boasts an impressive stable of low-sodium, chemical and filler-free products. Many seasonings are Paleo/Whole30 approved, and for all you meal preppers, this is a great way to take those same ol’ proteins and veggies to whole new levels of flavor. Check out their Instagram feed for recipes, meal prep suggestions and product information.

Barefoot Provisions


These fine folks do all the leg work on the interwebs so you can save your energy for the box. Their Instagram feed features a curated selection of Paleo/Primal goodies that may seem indulgent, but complement your caveman sensibilities perfectly. From recipes to product recommendations, there’s plenty to draw inspiration from in order to keep it Paleolithic.

A photo posted by @barefootprovisions on




If clean living and clean eating are priorities for you, look no further than this Instagram feed. It’s chock-full of recipes, gardening tips, even kitchen organization ideas…plus some really fantastic food photography. A worthwhile resources for those in the gluten, dairy, and sugar-free camps, and especially for those eating to support auto-immune issues.

A photo posted by Paleogirl99 (@paleogirl99) on


Want More Nutrition Inspiration?

Check out our upcoming Eat Fat to Lose Fat nutrition seminar, the precursor to our 8-Week Fat Loss Challenge.

We offer nutrition consulting through CrossFit9 founding owner and Nutrition As Rx expert Steven Ashton. Send us an email for more information.

Ready to take this to the next level? Let’s go!

WTF is The CrossFit Open? (And How Do I Sign Up?)

You keep hearing coaches mentioning “Open standards”. Your classmates are whispering about signing up for the Open this year. Leading one to wonder… WTF is the CrossFit Open?

First, a primer…

What is the Open?What is the Open? Host Rory Mckernan explains this global event.

Posted by The CrossFit Games on Friday, January 29, 2016

So to sum it all up: The CrossFit Games Open is for everyone. Brand new CrossFitters, seasoned CrossFit Games veterans, and everyone in between. For the average CrossFitter, it’s a great signpost for long-term goal setting, and that’s why CrossFit9 encourages its athletes to participate. Plus, it’s just really, really fun.

Suggested Reading In It to Win It: Goal Setting Guide

So How Do I Sign Up?

1. Register

Head to and register to sign up. There is a one-time $20 fee.

2. Let Us Know!

At CrossFit9, we ask our competing athletes to join this Facebook group where we’ll post workout standards, important announcements, and event times.


3. Show Up!

Drop-Ins: Come on in! We’re happy to accommodate you at the times shown below, but because this is such a busy time of year, we ask that you sign up online ahead of your visit here!

If you absolutely must sign up for a custom time frame outside the times shown below, we will do our best to accommodate you within our normal hours. Please email (Cost: $30)

The first workout will be announced February 25th at 8pm EST, and we’ll host a live stream party at CrossFit9. Check out the important dates below to see when you are able to have your Open workouts completed in front of a judge:

Important Dates

Links will take you to our Facebook events. Or you can subscribe and never miss another CrossFit9 event!

CrossFit Games Open 16.1

  • Live Stream Party February 25, 8pm
  • Friday Night Fight February 26, 7pm (WOD + Cookout party)
  • Saturday February 27 between 7:30 & 10am. Time slots are available on the half hour, with the clock starting promptly at the listed time, so come early to warm up. (NOTE: You must RSVP via Wodify at least 18 hours in advance to let us know you need a judge. Max of 5 athletes per time slot. Registration will open 72 hours in advance.)

CrossFit Games Open 16.2

  • Live Stream Party March 3, 8pm
  • Friday Night Figh March 4, 7pm
  • Saturday March 5 between 7:30 & 10am. Time slots are available on the half hour, with the clock starting promptly at the listed time, so come early to warm up. (NOTE: All athletes must RSVP via Wodify at least 18 hours in advance to let us know you need a judge. Max of 5 athletes per time slot. Registration will open 72 hours in advance.)
  • Athlete Score Verification Deadline Monday, March 7, 8pm EST

CrossFit Games Open 16.3

  • Live Stream Party March 10, 8pm
  • Friday Night Fight March 11, 7pm
  • Saturday March 12 between 7:30 & 10am. Time slots are available on the half hour, with the clock starting promptly at the listed time, so come early to warm up. (NOTE: All athletes must RSVP via Wodify at least 18 hours in advance to let us know you need a judge. Max of 5 athletes per time slot. Registration will open 72 hours in advance.)
  • Athlete Score Verification Deadline Monday, March 14, 8pm EST

CrossFit Games Open 16.4

  • Live Stream Party March 17, 8pm
  • Friday Night Fight March 18, 7pm
  • Saturday March 19 between 7:30 & 10am. Time slots are available on the half hour, with the clock starting promptly at the listed time, so come early to warm up. (NOTE: All athletes must RSVP via Wodify at least 18 hours in advance to let us know you need a judge. Max of 5 athletes per time slot. Registration will open 72 hours in advance.)
  • Athlete Score Verification Deadline Monday, March 21, 8pm EST

CrossFit Games Open 16.5

  • Live Stream Party March 24, 8pm
  • Friday Night Fight March 25, 7pm
  • Saturday March 26 between 7:30 & 10am. Time slots are available on the half hour, with the clock starting promptly at the listed time, so come early to warm up. (NOTE: All athletes must RSVP via Wodify at least 18 hours in advance to let us know you need a judge. Max of 5 athletes per time slot. Registration will open 72 hours in advance.)
  • Athlete Score Verification Deadline Monday, March 28, 8pm EST

The Open is Over Party!

5 Lessons from the CrossFit Open

The CrossFit Open 2016 is a wrap, but these lessons will follow us well into the next year.

Open Athletes: Don’t forget to log in at and submit your 16.5 score before 8pm EST, Monday, March 28! Scores will be verified and the leaderboard will be set as of Wednesday, March 30 at 8pm EST.

16.1: Build Your Engine


CrossFit Games Director Dave Castro brought it on strong with this 20 minute AMRAP. 16.1 set the “anything goes” vibe for the rest of the Games season, with one of the longest WODs we’ve ever seen in an Open, and with Overhead Lunges, a movement new to the Open.

Thanks to moderate weight and distance, most athletes handled those overhead lunges just fine. But for those lacking in the endurance department, it was tough to gauge how hard to work. Go out too strong, and you’ll end up finishing with singles or even worse, your head in the puke bucket. Reserve too much energy, and you’ll just end up frustrated and disappointed.

At CrossFit9, we regularly have endurance effort WODs and finishers, but you can take it to the next level by working in some aerobic training during your open gym time. It may not be as fast and sexy as “Fran”, but you’ll be glad you put in the endurance work later, trust us.

Watch: Aerobic vs. Anaerobic, by Greg Glassman for CrossFit Journal

Train: Get some solid aerobic training tips from Barbell Shrugged here.

16.2: Intensity Always Wins


In CrossFit, we’re seeking something called “intensity”, and 16.2 perfectly encapsulated that. Unless an athlete completed the amount of work required at a near-sprint effort, they ended with only a four minute workout. Womp, womp.  In 16.2, you have to work in the mathematical sense to earn more time.

Work = Force x distance

Power = Force x distance

Power = Intensity

That’s right. 16.2 gets right at the very heart of why CrossFit is effective: Intensity. No half-assed effort will be rewarded in this one.

Watch: CrossFit Whiteboard: Intensity

Read: Volume vs. Intensity: How to Win the CrossFit Games by Brute Strength

16.3: Face Your Weakness Head-On


Relatively light power snatches were no problem for most athletes. Bar muscle ups? Well….

There are no guarantees in the CrossFit Open, but we’ve been calling this one for a while. Despite bar muscle ups always making a conspicuous appearance in CrossFit Judges Courses for the past several years, it took until 2016 for them to make their way into the actual Open. At CrossFit9, we prefaced the Open season with a bar muscle up clinic to get people thinking about their homework off the rings.

But take that lesson into a larger scope. Are you a super-strong athlete who sucks at double unders? Or you have awesome endurance but can’t get below parallel on wall balls/squats/etc.? It’s time to eat some humble pie, take stock of your weaknesses, and work methodically towards making them strengths.

Read: In It to Win It: Goal Setting Guide by CrossFit9

16.4: No Place for Ego


Ego might get you far in some aspects of life, but CrossFit is not one of them.

16.4 kicked off with 55 reps of deadlifts. Not just any deadlifts, but 225 lbs. for the dudes and 155 lbs. for the ladies. Ouch! To get past that first movement without serious injury, athletes needed to have:

1. A solid deadlift. Not just one rep max, either. Relative endurance efforts like 5 rep max or even 10 rep max would give a way more accurate sense of which athletes would do well on this part. And let’s not forget that back accessory work that’s on the board following many CrossFit9 WODs.

2. A plan. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. You’ll notice even top notch athletes broke the deadlifts into manageable sets. After all, it’s no advantage to unbroken for long sets, if it requires you to take an even longer rest to pick up the bar again.

3. A bigger picture. For many athletes, 225/155 lbs. represents a really high percentage of their 1 rep max deadlift. That required a moment of soul-searching. A mature athlete in this situation will either eat the humble pie and move to the scaled division, or realize they’re going to have to take it much slower with the heavier weight to keep good form and stave off injury. It’s not worth disrupting weeks or months of training just to say you got a few more reps on 16.4.

Watch: Quit Rounding Your Back, Or You’ll Lose All Your Friends by Barbell Shrugged

16.5: Empty the Tank


16.5 brought us a sense of déjà vu, with a repeat of 14.5. With our first task priority workout (aka. for time) of the Open season, this one was all about guts.  Anyone repeating this WOD knew they were in for a few dark minutes in the pain cave.

In CrossFit there are many factors that can separate an athlete from the pack. We usually think of athletic characteristics like strength, speed, coordination, etc. But when it comes down to brass tacks, the athlete with the sharpest mental game has the edge. When it comes to competition, the athlete who is able to put themselves in discomfort and be okay there is the athlete who will prevail. (No CrossFit haters, we’re talking about hard work pain– not the the kind that comes from bad form or an injury.)

A lot of athletes got to the round of 15 and thought or actually said aloud, “I can’t do this.” And you know what, in our gym not a single one quit at that point. They all finished. And sometimes that’s what matters most.

Faces of the Open

Meet the 9’ers who killed it in the Open this year. (Most of them!)

Photos by Tara Fuerst of Fuerst Photography

(Most) of our 2016 CrossFit9 Open competitors, as photographed by Fuerst Photography.

Posted by CrossFit9 on Monday, March 28, 2016